Eco-innovation Manual - UNEP

DTU and UNEP are currently working in a joint project to develop an Eco-Innovation Manual to promote Resource Efficiency and Eco-innovation in Developing and Transition Economies

Eco-innovation is the development and application of a business model, shaped by a new business strategy that incorporates sustainability throughout all business operations based on life cycle thinking and in cooperation with partners across the value chain. It entails a coordinated set of modifications or novel solutions to products (goods / services), processes, market approach and organizational structure which leads to a company’s enhanced performance and competitiveness. 

Eco-innovation provides a win-win solution to improving economic competitiveness and sustainability as it starts at the level of company strategy and extends influence beyond the company gates to the supply chain. The growing market, reputational and regulatory pressures in response to rising resource scarcity and environmental degradation reinforce the business case for eco-innovation.


For further information, you can visit the Eco-innovation manual webpage in UN Environment.


Eco-Innovation Manual

Audience: technical experts working in companies and organizations that provide professional services to guide and support manufacturing companies to improve their sustainability performance. 

Sector specific supplements to the Manual are also being developed. The Manual and corresponding supplements are being used in national level projects for the application of eco-innovation in SMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. Based on the feedback from this pilot application phase, the full Eco-innovation Manual has been further refined and finalized.


  • The Eco-Innovation Manual here.

Furthermore, specific supplements about  agriculture/food, chemicals and metals are available.




Tim C. McAloone
DTU Construct
+45 45 25 62 70


Daniela C. A. Pigosso
DTU Construct
+45 28 55 49 42


Thomas James Howard
DTU Entrepreneurship
+45 50 11 59 82

22 FEBRUARY 2025