A guide for evaluating the environmental performance of Product/Service-Systems

The Guide is a tool developed at DTU for industry professionals, consultants, public authorities as well as students and researchers working with environmental assessments of Product/Service-Systems.

The guide has been developed as part of a PhD project that bridges the two research fields of Product/Service-System Design and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a method for evaluating their environmental performance.

Developing and offering PSS is an opportunity for companies to switch focus from “selling products” to “providing functions” to customers. This enables that user needs may be fulfilled in a way that requires less resources and reduces environmental impacts, e.g. through product life extension, product reuse, product sharing or operational support. However, simply offering a PSS is no guarantee for environmental improvements and quantitative assessments of their performance are called for to support decision making and PSS design.

In the guide, special emphasis is put on the scoping phase of the study, supporting the user to establish the relevant systems to be analysed, perform a comparability assessment, and map the systems in a way that enables LCA to be applied.

Read the guide HERE.

The guide was developed in the context of Louise Kjær's PhD project, "Environmental Impacts of Product/Service-Systems: Broadening the Life-Cycle Assessment Methodology".  Here, you can watch videos from the PhD defence.


The presentation



The defence



Tim C. McAloone
Head of Section, Professor
DTU Construct
+45 45 25 62 70


Daniela C. A. Pigosso
DTU Construct
+45 28 55 49 42
14 MARCH 2025