

Build skills!

To ensure successful implementation, the organization's employees (from different functions and hierarchical levels) must have the competences and skills necessary to implement eco-activities in their daily work.

All relevant stakeholders in the organization need to understand the ecodesign principles, in order to take environmental issues properly into account during the decision-making processes. Having an expert team with strong knowledge on ecodesign is often advisable to support the employees in their daily tasks.

You will find a lot of good advice and experience, personally referred by experienced specialists in three short video clips. The advice is summarized in a "key points" list and also links to appropriate further reference. 

Quick guidance

1. Does your company have an ecodesign champion? Best practice shows the advantages of having a committed and charismatic eco-champion.

2. Is ecodesign knowledge and action spread in the company? Having several stakeholders from different areas and hierarchical levels engaged is one of the success factors for successful ecodesign implementation.

3. Have you trained your employees on ecodesign? Define the missing competences of your team and identify the relevant subjects to be part of the ecodesign training.

Learn more

Check out best practices on the right side of the page:

  • Key points
  • 3 videos from industrial experts 
  • Knowledge sharing in our LinkedIn Group


  • iMPU survey results - check companies' experience in Competences
  • Ecodesign Guide - teaching material and posters
  • Book Chapter - Adventures in Ecodesign - Chapter 10: Teaching (Ab Stevels)
  • G.EN.ESI - Training for ecodesign (introduction to ecodesign and environmental assessment)
  • TU Delft material - materials recycling (1 and 2);design and EOL (1); implementation of EuP (1);chemical content (1 and 2);energy (1); materials (1) ; packaging (1) - click on the numbers to download the presentations

Key Points

  • Facilitate the learning process throughout the organization
  • Integrate ecodesign knowledge into existing processes
  • Identify missing skills and competences, and focus on them!
  • Simultaneously disseminate information to the different functions and hierarchical levels, from marketing to product development
  • Engage the entire organization in the learning process
  • Learn by doing with pilot projects, and share the lessons learned
  • Participate in network groups with others companies and experts
  • Collaborate with universities and be part of research projects

Competences I

Improving the competences in your company: video I

(press CC for subtitles in English)

Competences II

Improving the competences in your company: video II

(press CC for subtitles in English)

Competences III

Improving the competences in your company: video III

(press CC for subtitles in English)


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13 MARCH 2025