


The way a company is organized often has a large impact on how the ecodesign implementation processes proceed.

Ecodesign can be anchored in a number of different functional areas: Product Development; Environment, Healthy & Safety (EHS); Sustainability; Research & Development; Support Processes; etc. The decision about where to anchor ecodesign activities in the organization usually depends on the internal and external drivers for implementation, on the current setup and on the culture of the company.

Independent of the chosen setup, top management commitment is essential to ensure successful ecodesign implementation. Furthermore, proper responsibility deployment among different functions and hierarchical levels is key to long-term success.

You will find a lot of good advice and experience, personally referred by experienced specialists in two short video clips. The advice is summarized in a "key points" list and also links to appropriate further reference. 

Quick guidance

1. Is there commitment from top management for carrying out ecodesign implementation? Top management commitment and support is essential to ensure proper ecodesign implementation.

2. Is there a clear organizational setup for ecodesign implementation at the company? The way an organization is lined up often has a significant impact on how the ecodesign implementation proceeds. It is usually a good practice to let an eco-champion establish and monitor goals in the process.

3. Is there a structured responsibility deployment of ecodesign implementation across the organization? Break down the overall approach to the level of the individual employee!

Learn more

Check out best practices on the right side of the page:

  • Key points
  • 2 videos from industrial experts 
  • Knowledge sharing in our LinkedIn Group


  • iMPU survey results - check companies' experience in Organization
  • ISO/DIS 14001:2014 - Revision of ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems addresses the key role of leadership
  • Book Chapter - Adventures in Ecodesign - Chapter 4 EcoDesign and Business (Ab Stevels)
  • TU Delft material - dealing with legislation (WEEE (1, 2 and 3); takeback (1); EuP (1, 2 and 3));supply chain management (1);internal organization (1, 2 and 3);strategy (1 and 2);12 recommendations for ecodesign implementation (1); legislation and SMEs (1 and 2); others (1) - click on the numbers to download the presentations


Key Points

  • Ensure long-term and consistent implementation by integrating ecodesign into your management processes
  • Strategically define where to anchor the ecodesign activities
  • Break down the overall responsibility to the level of the individual employee
  • Ensure top management commitment
  • Ensure dissemination and collaborative work across the entire organization

Organization I

Organize for ecodesign implementation: video I

(press CC for subtitles in English) 

Organization II

Organize for ecodesign implementation: video II

(press CC for subtitles in English) 


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13 MARCH 2025